Source code for monk_tf.fixture

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# MONK automated test framework
# Copyright (C) 2013 DResearch Fahrzeugelektronik GmbH
# Written and maintained by MONK Developers <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
# 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Instead of creating :py:class:`` and
:py:class:`~monk_tf.conn.ConnectionBase` objects by yourself, you can also
choose to put corresponding data in a separate file and let this layer handle
the object concstruction and destruction for you. Doing this will probably make
your test code look more clean, keep the number of places where you need to
change something as small as possible, and enables you to reuse data that you
already have described.

A hello world test with a fixture looks like this:

.. code-block:: python

    import nose
    from monk_tf import fixture

    def test_hello():
        ''' say hello
        with fixture.Fixture(__file__) as (fix, dev):
            # set up
            expected_out = "hello"
            # execute
            retcode, out = dev.cmd('echo "hello"')
            # assert
  , out)
            # tear down - automatically done by Fixture

Everything is handled in a context that manages the fixture and your
:term:`target device`. The Fixture is automatically looking for ``fixture.cfg``
in the current directory or its parents. The ``fixture.cfg`` contains the data
that is necessary to build your test fixture. This includes connection data
like IP, user name, and password. MONK separates this data from the code, that
the tests can be executed on different :term:`target devices<target device>`
without changing the tests themselves. The format of these files is quite close
to ini files, just with an added layer of depth, enabling sections to contain
other sections if the inner section is surrounded by an additional set of
square brackets (``[]``).

An example ``Xini`` data file might look like this::


As you can see it looks like an :term:`INI` file. There are sections,
consisting of a title enclosed in squared brackets (``[]``) and lists of
properties, consisting of key-value pairs separated by equality signs (``=``).
The unusual part is that the section *serial1* is surrounded by two pairs of
squared brackets (``[]``). This is the specialty of this format indicating that
*serial1* is a subsection of *device1* and therefore is a nested section. This
nesting can be done unlimited, by surrounding a section with more and more
pairs of squared brackets (``[]``) according to the level of nesting intended.
In this example *serial1* belongs to *device1* and the types indicate the
corresponding :term:`MONK` object to be created.


import os
from os import environ
import os.path as op
import sys
import logging
import collections
import time
import io
import traceback
import datetime
import json

import configobj as config

import monk_tf.general_purpose as gp
import monk_tf.conn as mc
import as md

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Exceptions

[docs]class AFixtureException(gp.MonkException): """ Base class for exceptions of the fixture layer. If you want to make sure that you catch all exceptions that are related to this layer, you should catch *AFixtureExceptions*. This also means that if you extend this list of exceptions you should inherit from this exception and not from :py:exc:`~exceptions.Exception`. """ pass
[docs]class NoDevsChosenException(AFixtureException): """ If the use_devs attribute is not set this is raised """ pass
[docs]class NoSectypeException(AFixtureException): """ If no name can be derived from parsing a section """ pass
[docs]class NoDevicesDefinedException(AFixtureException): """ is raised when we found out that there are no devices. Currently it makes no sense to use a fixture without devices. """ pass
[docs]class AParseException(AFixtureException): """ Base class for exceptions concerning parsing errors. """ pass
[docs]class CantParseException(AFixtureException): """ is raised when a Fixture cannot parse a given file. """ pass
[docs]class NoPropsException(AFixtureException): """ is raised when """ pass
[docs]class NoDeviceException(AFixtureException): """ is raised when a :py:clas:`~monk_tf.fixture.Fixture` requires a device but has none. """ pass
[docs]class WrongNameException(AFixtureException): """ is raised when no devs with a given name could be found. """ pass
[docs]class UnknownTypeException(AFixtureException): """ Handler Type was not recognized """ pass ############################################################## # # Fixture Classes - creates MONK objects based on dictionaries # ##############################################################
[docs]class LogManager(gp.MonkObject): """ managing configuration and setup of logging mechanics Might strongly interact with your nose config or similar. """ def __init__(self, **config): super(LogManager, self).__init__( name=config.pop("name",None), module=__name__, ) self.log("load LogManager with config:" + str(config))
[docs]class LogHandler(gp.MonkObject): _LOGLEVELS = { "CRITICAL": logging.CRITICAL, "ERROR": logging.ERROR, "WARNING": logging.WARNING, "INFO": logging.INFO, "DEBUG": logging.DEBUG, "NOTSET": logging.NOTSET, } def __init__(self, name, sink, target, format, level): super(LogHandler, self).__init__( name=name, module=__name__, ) self.sink = sink = self.config_subs(target) self.format = format self.level = level
[docs] def register(self): self.pre_register() self.log("set loglevel (to handler and logger):{}".format(self.level)) self.handler.setLevel(self._LOGLEVELS[self.level]) logging.getLogger([self.level]) self.log("set format:{}".format(self.format)) self.handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter( fmt=self.format, )) self.log("register at logger '{}'".format(, )) logging.getLogger( self.post_register()
[docs] def config_subs(self, txt, subs=None): """ replace the strings in the config that we have reasonable values for """ substitutes = subs or { "testcase" : gp.find_testname(), "rootlogger" : "", "suitename" : environ.get("SUITE", "suite"), "datetime" :"%y%m%d-%H%M%S"), } self.log("replaced subs:{}".format(substitutes)) return txt % substitutes
[docs] def pre_register(self): pass
[docs] def post_register(self): pass
def __str__(self): return "{}{}".format( self.__class__.__name__, { "sink" : self.sink, "target" :, "format" : self.format, "level" : self.level, "allHandlersOfMyTarget" : ["me" if h==self.handler else h for h in logging.getLogger(], }, )
[docs]class StreamHandler(LogHandler):
[docs] def pre_register(self): # workaround for strange nose handlers for h in logging.getLogger( if isinstance(h, logging.StreamHandler): logging.getLogger( stream = sys.stdout if self.sink == "stdout" else sys.stderr self.log("stream:" + str(sys.stdout)) self.handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream)
[docs]class FileHandler(LogHandler):
[docs] def pre_register(self): self.handler = logging.FileHandler(self.config_subs(self.sink))
[docs]class Fixture(gp.MonkObject): """ Creates :term:`MONK` objects based on dictionary like objects. Use this class if you want to seperate the details of your MONK objects from your code. Also use it if you want to write tests with it, as described above. """ def __init__(self, call_location, name=None, fixture_locations=None, parsers=None): """ :param call_location: the __file__ from where this is called. :param parsers: a dictionary of name:parser_function pairs that can interpret a fixture file section and generate an object based on that. :param fixture_locations: where to look for fixture files """ super(Fixture, self).__init__( name=name, module=__name__, ) self.call_location = call_location self.call_path = op.dirname(op.abspath(self.call_location)) self.devs = {} self.ignore_exceptions = [] self.props = config.ConfigObj() self.fixture_locations = fixture_locations or self.default_fixturelocations() for loc in self.fixture_locations if op.isfile(loc)) @property
[docs] def firstdev(self): self.log("rertreive firstdev()") self.log("devs:{}:use_dev:{}".format(self.devs, self.use_devs)) return self.devs.get(self.use_devs[0])
@property def parsers(self): try: return self._parsers except AttributeError: # trigger default setting self.parsers = None return self._parsers
[docs] def default_parsers(self): return { "Device" : self.parse_device, "conns" : self.parse_conns, "SshConnection" : self.parse_sshconn, "SerialConnection" : self.parse_serialconn, "logging" : self.parse_logging, "StreamHandler" : self.parse_streamhandler, "FileHandler" : self.parse_filehandler, }
[docs] def parsers(self, parsers): self._parsers = parsers or self.default_parsers()
[docs] def default_fixturelocations(self): """ this is preferred over a list/dict because some paths need to be set dynamically! """ locs = [ self.call_path + "/../fixture.cfg", ] self.log("read default fixturelocations: {}".format(self, locs)) return locs
[docs] def read(self, sources): """ Read more data, either as a file name or as a parser. :param sources: a iterable of data sources; each is either a file name or a :py:class:`~monk_tf.fixture.AParser` child class instance. :return: self """ self.log("read: " + str(sources)) self.log("deactivate everything before updating data") self.tear_down() for source in sources: self.log("merge source: '{}'".format(source)) self.props.merge(config.ConfigObj(source, interpolation=False)) self._initialize() return self
def _initialize(self): """ Create :term:`MONK` objects based on self's properties. """ self._logger.debug("initialize with props: " + str(json.dumps(self.props, indent=4))) if not self.props: raise NoPropsException("have you created and added any fixture files?") parsed = {} for name, value in self.props.items(): parsed[name] = self._parse_section(name, value) self.update(**parsed)
[docs] def update(self, **kwargs): """ update the externally manageable data of this fixture object """ self.testlogger = kwargs.pop("logging", self._logger) use_devs = kwargs.pop("use_devs", []) self.use_devs = [use_devs] if isinstance(use_devs, str) else [devname.strip() for devname in use_devs if devname] if not self.use_devs: raise NoDevsChosenException("You need to set a use_devs property to your config file which contains a list of comma separated device names that are defined in your [[conns]] block") self.devs = {n:d for n,d in kwargs.items()}
def _find_sectype(self, name, section): """ try to retrieve the section type, preferably by name :param name: the name of the section and a possible source of the type :param section: a dictionary, containing all the attributes necessary to create an object of the sectype. If it contains a "type" property this can be used to identify the type. :return: the section type, as expected as key for fixture.parsers """ try: return name if name in self.parsers else section.pop("type") except KeyError: raise NoSectypeException("for section {}:\n{}".format(name, section)) def _parse_section(self, name, section): """ parse a deep dictionary depth first, generate objects bottom up :name: the name of the current section :section: the dictionary containing :return: the object that is generated by this section """ try: self._logger.debug("parse_section({},{},{})".format( str(name), type(section).__name__, list(section.keys()), )) except AttributeError as e: # duck tested that this is not a dcitionary. # Non dictionaries are normal types like str or int. # So they are just returned, because they don't need parsing. return section # sectype often means the resulting object type, e.g. SshConn sectype=self._find_sectype(name, section) # first parse section's properties, then apply them self.log("traverse subsections iteratively") section = {k:self._parse_section(k,v) for k,v in section.items()} self.log("create object for section") return self.parsers[sectype](name, sectype, section)
[docs] def parse_serialconn(self, name, sectype, section): section["name"] = name return mc.SerialConn(**section)
[docs] def parse_sshconn(self, name, sectype, section): section["name"] = name return mc.SshConn(**section)
[docs] def parse_device(self, name, sectype, section): section["name"] = name return md.Device(**section)
[docs] def parse_conns(self, name, sectype, section): return {k:v for k,v in section.items()}
[docs] def parse_logging(self, name, sectype, section): self.log("register all handlers") for handler in section.values(): handler.register() return self.testlogger
[docs] def parse_streamhandler(self, name, sectype, section): section["name"] = name return StreamHandler(**section)
[docs] def parse_filehandler(self, name, sectype, section): section["name"] = name return FileHandler(**section)
[docs] def tear_down(self): """ Can be used for explicit destruction of managed objects. This should be called in every :term:`test case` as the last step. """ self.log("teardown") for name, device in self.devs.items(): device.close_all()
def __str__(self): if hasattr(self, "devs") and self.devs: return str(self.devs) else: return repr(self) def __enter__(self): self.log("__enter__ ") return [self, self.firstdev, self.testlogger] def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_val, tb): self.log("__exit__ ") if exception_type and exception_type not in self.ignore_exceptions: buff = io.StringIO() traceback.print_tb(tb, file=buff) self.testlog("\n\n{}:{}:{}:\n{}".format( gp.find_testname(), exception_type.__name__, exception_val, buff.getvalue(), )) self.tear_down()