Source code for monk_tf.conn

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# MONK automated test framework
# Copyright (C) 2013 DResearch Fahrzeugelektronik GmbH
# Written and maintained by MONK Developers <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version # 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  #

This module implements connection handling. Using the classes from this module
you can connect directly to a :term:`target device` via serial or ssh.

    import monk_tf.conn as mc
    # create a serial connection
    serial=mc.SerialConn(name="ser1", port="/dev/ttyUSB3", user="tester", pw="test")
    # create a ssh connection
    ssh=mc.SshConn(name="ssh1", host="", user="tester", pw="test")
    # send a command
    print serial.cmd("ls -al")
    # send a command
    ssh.cmd("ls -al")

import io
import os
import sys
import re
import logging
import time

import pexpect
from pexpect import pxssh
from pexpect import spawn
from pexpect import fdpexpect
import pyte

# Exceptions

[docs]class AConnectionException(Exception): """ Base class for Exceptions from this module """ pass
[docs]class OutputParseException(AConnectionException): """ is raised when cmd output cannot be parsed to utf8 for further processing """ pass
[docs]class BccException(AConnectionException): """ is raised to explain some BCC behaviour """ pass
[docs]class NoBCCException(BccException): """ is raised when the BCC class does not find the drbcc tool needed for execution. """ pass
[docs]class CantCreateConn(AConnectionException): """ is raised when even several attempt were not able to create a connection. """ pass
[docs]class NoRetcodeException(AConnectionException): """ is raised when the output doesn't contain a retcode for unknown reasons. """ pass
[docs]class TimeoutException(AConnectionException): """ is raised if retrying something was not successful until its timeout """ pass ############# # # Connections # #############
[docs]class ConnectionBase(object): """ is the base class for all connections. Don't instantiate this class directly. This class implements the behaviour of cmd() interactions, makes sure you get logged in etc. Extending this class requires to implement _get_exp() and _login(). """ def __init__(self, name, default_timeout=None, first_prompt_timeout=None): """ :param name: the name of this connection and its corresponding logger :param default_timeout: how long the connection waits for an expected output :param first_prompt_timeout: how long a relogin is tried until the connection is considered dead. """ self._logger = logging.getLogger(name or self.__class__.__name__) self.default_timeout = default_timeout or 30 self.first_prompt_timeout = int(first_prompt_timeout) if first_prompt_timeout else 120 self.log("hi.") @property def name(self): """ the name of this connection and its corresponding logger """ return @name.setter
[docs] def name(self, new_name): """ setting the name will also reset the logger's name """ = new_name
[docs] def log(self, msg): """ wrapper for simpler debug logging """ self._logger.debug(msg)
[docs] def exp(self): """ the pexpect object - Don't bother with this if you don't know what it means already. Really! """ self.log("retrieve pexpect object") try: return self._exp except AttributeError as e: self.log("have no pexpect object yet") self._exp = self._get_exp() self._sendline("stty -echo") self._expect(self.prompt) return self._exp
def _expect(self, pattern, timeout=-1, searchwindowsize=-1): """ a wrapper for :pexpect:meth:`spawn.expect` """ self.log("expect({},{},{})".format( str(pattern).encode('string-escape'), timeout, searchwindowsize, )) try: self.exp.expect(pattern, timeout, searchwindowsize) self.log("expect succeeded.") except Exception as e: self.log("expect failed with '{}'".format( e.__class__.__name__, )) raise e def _send(self, s): """ a wrapper for :pexpect:meth:`spawn.send` """ self._logger.debug("send({})".format(s)) try: self.exp.send(s) self._logger.debug("send succeeded.") except Exception as e: self._logger.debug("send failed.") raise e def _sendline(self, s=""): """ a wrapper for :pexpect:meth:`spawn.sendline` """ self._logger.debug("sendline({})".format(s)) try: self.exp.sendline(s) self._logger.debug("sendline succeeded.") except Exception as e: self._logger.debug("sendline failed.(has pexpect? {})".format( "yes" if self.exp else "no", )) raise e
[docs] def expect_prompt(self, timeout=None): """ enter + look in the output for what is currently set as self.prompt """ self.log("expect prompt") self._sendline("") self._expect(self.prompt, timeout=timeout or self.default_timeout)
[docs] def wait_for_prompt(self, timeout=-1): """ this method continuously retries to get a working connection (by means of self.expect_prompt()) and raises an exception otherwise :param timeout: how long we retry """ self.log("wait_for_prompt({})".format( timeout, )) end_time = time.time() + timeout while time.time() <= end_time: self.log("try prompt") try: self.expect_prompt(timeout) self._logger.debug("ready") break except (pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT) as e: self.log("could not retreive prompt") self.close() self.log("sleep before retry") time.sleep(3) raise TimeoutException( "was not able to find a prompt after {} seconds".format(timeout))
[docs] def cmd(self, msg, timeout=None, expect=None, do_retcode=True): """ send a shell command and retreive its output. :param msg: the shell command :param timeout: how long we wait for expect; if None is set to self.default_timeout :param expect: a list of things to expect, e.g. output strings :param do_retcode: boolean which says whether or not a returncode should be retreived. """ self._logger.debug("START cmd({},{},{},{})".format( msg, expect, timeout or self.default_timeout, do_retcode, )) self.wait_for_prompt(self.first_prompt_timeout) prepped_msg = self._prep_cmdmessage(msg, do_retcode) self._sendline(prepped_msg) try: self._expect(expect or self.prompt, timeout=timeout or self.default_timeout) except (pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT) as e: self.log("caught EOF/TIMEOUT on last expect; closing connections") self.close() raise e out = self._prep_cmdoutput(self.exp.before, prepped_msg, do_retcode) self._logger.debug("SUCCESS: cmd({}) result='{}' expect-match='{}'".format( str(msg)[:15].encode("string_escape") + ("[...]" if len(str(msg)) > 15 else ""), str(out[1])[:50].encode("string-escape") + ("[...]" if len(str(self.exp.before)) > 50 else ""), str(self.exp.after)[:50].encode("string-escape") + ("[...]" if len(str(self.exp.after)) > 50 else ""), )) return out
def _prep_cmdmessage(self, msg, do_retcode=True): """ prepares a command message before it is delivered to pexpect It might add retreiving a returncode and strips unnecessary whitespace. :param msg: the command message to prepare :param do_retcode: if the request for the retcode should be appended """ self.log("prep_msg({},{})".format( str(msg).encode("string-escape"), do_retcode, )) # If the connection is a shell, you might want a returncode. # If it is not (like drbcc) then you might have no way to retreive a # returncode. Therefore make a decision here. get_retcode = '; echo "<retcode>$?</retcode>"' if do_retcode else "" # strip each line for unnecessary whitespace and delete empty lines prepped = "\n".join(line.strip() for line in msg.split("\n") if line.strip()) out = prepped+get_retcode self.log("prepped:'{}'".format( str(out .decode("utf-8")) .encode("string-escape"), )) return out def _prep_cmdoutput(self, out, cmd_expect, do_retcode=True): """ prepare the pexpect output for returning to the user Removing all the unnecessary "\r" characters and separates the returncode if one is requested. :param out: the output string which should be prepped :param cmd_expect: the command string which should be filtered out :param do_retcode: if there's a retcode to find or not """ self.log("prep_out({},{})".format( str(out).encode("string-escape"), do_retcode, )) if not out: self.log("out was empty and therefore couldn't be prepped.") return None, out # replace Terminal command chars stream = pyte.Stream() capture = Capture() stream.attach(capture, only=["draw", "linefeed"]) try: stream.feed(out.decode("utf-8")) except UnicodeError as e: raise OutputParseException( "failed to parse output to utf8, necessary for special character handler. Error: " + str(e)) prepped_out = str(capture) if do_retcode: try: match ="\n?<retcode>(\d+)</retcode>.*\n", prepped_out) self.log("found retcode string '{}'".format( str("string-escape"), )) retcode = int( prepped_out = prepped_out.replace(, "") self.log("prepped with retcode") return retcode, prepped_out except (AttributeError, IndexError) as e: self._logger.exception(e) raise NoRetcodeException("failed to find retcode with '{}'. Formatted output:'{}'".format( e.__class__.__name__, prepped_out.encode("string-escape"), )) else: self.log("prepped without retcode") return None, prepped_out
[docs] def close(self): """ close the connection and get rid of the inner objects """ self.log("close connection") try: self._exp.close() del self._exp self.log("successfully closed connection") except AttributeError: self.log("connection already closed") pass
def __del__(self): """ will make sure to close and log it's destruction """ self.log("getting deleted") try: self.close() finally: self.log("bye.")
[docs]class SerialConn(ConnectionBase): """ implements a serial connection. """ def __init__(self, name, port, user, pw, prompt="\r?\n?[^\n]*#", default_timeout=None, first_prompt_timeout=None, ): """ :param name: the name of the connection :param port: the path to the device file that is used for this connection :param user: the user name for the login :param pw: the password for the login :param prompt: the default prompt to check for """ = name self.port = port self.user = user = pw self.prompt = prompt super(SerialConn, self).__init__( default_timeout=default_timeout, first_prompt_timeout=first_prompt_timeout, ) def _get_exp(self): spawn = fdpexpect.fdspawn(, os.O_RDWR|os.O_NONBLOCK|os.O_NOCTTY)) self._sendline() self._expect("(?i)login: ") self._sendline(user or self.user) self._expect("(?i)password: ") self._sendline(pw or self._expect(self.prompt) return spawn def _login(self, user=None, pw=None): self._logger.debug("serial._login({},{})".format(user, pw))
[docs]class pxsshWorkaround(pxssh.pxssh): """ just to add that echo=False """ def __init__(self, timeout=30, maxread=2000, searchwindowsize=None,logfile=None, cwd=None, env=None, echo=True): spawn.__init__(self, None, timeout=timeout, maxread=maxread, searchwindowsize=searchwindowsize, logfile=logfile, cwd=cwd, env=env, echo=echo) = '<pxssh>' self.UNIQUE_PROMPT = "\[PEXPECT\][\$\#] " self.PROMPT = self.UNIQUE_PROMPT self.PROMPT_SET_SH = "PS1='[PEXPECT]\$ '" self.PROMPT_SET_CSH = "set prompt='[PEXPECT]\$ '" self.SSH_OPTS = ("-o'RSAAuthentication=no'" + " -o 'PubkeyAuthentication=no'")
[docs]class SshConn(ConnectionBase): """ implements an ssh connection. """ def __init__(self, name, host, user, pw, prompt=None, default_timeout=None, force_password=True, first_prompt_timeout=None, login_timeout=10, ): """ :param host: the URL to the device :param user: the user name for the login :param pw: the password for the login :param prompt: the default prompt to check for """ super(SshConn, self).__init__( name=name, default_timeout=default_timeout, first_prompt_timeout=first_prompt_timeout, ) host self.user = user = pw self.force_password = force_password self.login_timeout = int(login_timeout) if prompt: self._logger.warning("ssh connection ignores attribute prompt, because it sets its own prompt") @property
[docs] def prompt(self): self.log("retreive ssh PROMPT") return self.exp.PROMPT
def _get_exp(self): self.log("create pxssh object") end_time = time.time() + self.first_prompt_timeout while time.time() < end_time: self.log("try creating pxssh object") try: s = pxsshWorkaround(echo=False) s.force_password = self.force_password s.login(, username=self.user,, login_timeout=self.login_timeout, ) return s except (pxssh.ExceptionPxssh, pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT) as e: self.log("wait a little before retry creating pxssh object") time.sleep(3) raise CantCreateConn("tried for '{}' seconds".format(self.first_prompt_timeout))
[docs] def expect_prompt(self, timeout=None): self.log("ssh expect prompt") self._sendline("") self.exp.prompt(timeout or self.default_timeout or -1)
[docs] def close(self): self.log("force pxssh object to logout") try: self._exp.logout() except Exception as e: self.log("while logging out caught the following exception, can often be ignored") self._logger.exception(e) super(SshConn, self).close()
[docs]class Capture(object): """ a helper class that supports :class:`ConnectionBase` in handling Terminal special chars. """ def __init__(self, handle=None): self.handle = handle or io.StringIO()
[docs] def draw(self, ch, **flags): self.handle.write(unicode(ch))
[docs] def linefeed(self): self.handle.write(u"\n")
def __str__(self): return"utf-8")